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The joint characteristic of the individual enterprises that make up the tourism industry is that they offer services to people that are travelling. The industry is competing for international tourist flows, market share in the domestic business travel segment, and the goodwill of the local population.

Menon is Norway’s leading environment for analyses of the tourism industry. Menon has followed the sector for a number of years, and has solid insight into the industry’s economics, specific challenges, organization, products and markets.

Through a series of studies we have gained expertise within a number of topics with strategic importance for individual enterprises, destinations and authorities:

  • Ripple effects from tourism; of interest for regions, destinations and organizers of major events
  • Cluster processes on destination and on national level
  • Targeting and measuring the impact of marketing efforts
  • Financing of collective goods and organization of destinations
  • Local competitiveness analysis and sources of productivity – the relationship between productivity, growth and profitability
  • Scenarios, trends and prospects for the industry
Contact person

Erik W. Jakobsen

Partner and Chairman (+47) 97170466

Contact Us


Phone: +47 909 90 102
Address: Sørkedalsveien 10 B, 0369 Oslo