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Competition Economics and Regulatory Analyses

Menon offers competition economic and regulatory analyses used for a variety of purposes.

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We assist clients with economic analyses when mergers are notified to the Norwegian Competition Authority, and when the Norwegian Competition Authority investigates companies due to suspicion of anti-competitive agreements or abuse of a dominant position. Our employees have strong economic expertise and extensive experience with this type of analyses, both for the regulatory authorities and for the private sector.

Several of our employees have experience as expert witnesses for the district courts and the courts of appeal. We provide economic expertise in disputes, both in lawsuits following violations of the Competition Act and in other disputes where economic analyses or damage calculations are needed.

We assist with economic analyses of regulations and government interventions in markets, both ex ante and after-the-fact evaluations. We help companies understand how competitors’ behaviour or government interventions in markets affect them and their business, and help governments identify appropriate market interventions and assess their likely consequences.

We combine research expertise on the methods with strong sector expertise, particularly in energy, health, railways, telecommunications, finance, welfare, seafood and the maritime sector.

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