Menon is one of Norway’s leading evaluation firms. We carry out a broad range of evaluations, from those addressing specific evaluation questions to more complex sector-wide reviews.

Menon is one of Norway’s leading evaluation firms. We carry out a broad range of evaluations, from those addressing specific evaluation questions to more complex sector-wide reviews. We have extensive experience with recognised evaluation frameworks from the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ), OECD, and the EU. In addition, we employ qualitative methods such as interviews and workshops, as well as quantitative analyses based on large datasets. Our experience includes evaluating strategies, action plans, various policy instruments, legislative and regulatory changes, grant schemes, and reforms. These evaluations focus on opportunities to reduce resource use while increasing deliverables for the client.
We offer a wide range of evaluation services:
Process and project evaluations: We assess the implementation of various projects and processes, analysing their strengths and weaknesses both during execution and in the final outcomes.
Ongoing evaluations: We support organisations with continuous recommendations and performance measurements of ongoing initiatives.
Impact evaluations: We analyse both the intended and unintended effects of implemented initiatives, decisions, or strategies.
Efficiency assessments: We measure impact and resource use over time, comparing them to industry standards and best practices.
Organisational evaluations: We conduct comprehensive assessments of organisational impact and efficiency.
Our experts
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