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Municipalities and Counties

Menon provides services directly to the municipality sector and to national organisations in need of knowledge and decision-making support for policy development.

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We conduct mappings, evaluations, socio-economic analyses, economic impact assessments and consultancy related to municipal issues. These services are provided in areas such as health and welfare, nature and environment, and business development.

Our projects are grounded in a solid understanding of the municipal sector's roles as a community developer, service provider, public authority and democratic arena. Through several projects, we have gained experience with municipal planning, financing, service production, task responsibility, organisation and digitalisation. Our projects are often tasked with highlighting the societal challenges or finding solutions to address them. For instance, we investigate and evaluate measures to reduce social exclusion, population decline, labour shortages, staffing challenges, nature loss and greenhouse gas emissions. Our experience in solving issues within and for the sector has provided us with a unique systemic knowledge, which we also apply when preparing relevant advice.

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