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Private equity funds in Norway 2013: High investments and increased number of exits


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Private equity funds in norway activity report 2013 final 2
In this report, Menon has together with PEREP Analytics charted the activities of Norwegian private equity funds for the Norwegian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (NVCA). In 2013, Norwegian and foreign private equity funds invested NOK 12.8 billion into Norwegian companies, an increase of close to 80 percent from 2012. Capital raising for new funds increased from a level of NOK 2 billion in 2012 to NOK 6 billion in 2013. Investments into Norwegian companies within the buy-out segment by Norwegian and foreign private equity companies near doubled to NOK 12.3 million in 2013. Of these, NOK 10.6 billion were first-time investments, a level that is unprecedented. In 2013, Norwegian private equity funds executed 54 exits from Norwegian and foreign portfolio companies, up from 44 in 2012. 60 percent of all sales were to industrial buyers, proving the attractiveness of companies under the management by private equity companies. Within the seed capital segment, development has also been positive, as shown by the fact that five of the companies that were sold started as seed companies.

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