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Great interest in seminar about valuation of environmental effects in economic analyses

How can you value impacts on the environment and other public goods in economic analyses? What are the experiences from Norway and internationally?

Menon Centre for environmental and resource economics, in cooperation with University of Stavanger and Norwegian University of Life Sciences, hosted a seminar on 21. March 2017 at the Best Western Hotel in Oslo where these questions were discussed. Among others, internationally leading environmental economists shared their experiences with around 70 participants, mostly from the government sector. The seminar was co-hosted by Norwegian Environment Agency and the Norwegian Coastal Administration.

Program, list of participants and presentations can be downloaded here: 1. Lindhjem, 2. Navrud, 3. Carson , 4. Loomis,  5. Rolfe,  6. Ready,  7. Magnussen and  8. Strand

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