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The Leading Maritime Cities of the World 2024

The Leading Maritime Cities of the World 2024

The LMC report is a collaborative effort between Menon Economics and the classification society DNV. More than 15,000 cities are benchmarked on 45 different indicators. 190 maritime experts from all over the world have contributed with their subjective assessments of the cities. For the 2024 report, we have refined our objective and subjective indicators by incorporating recent key trends in the sector, such as the green transition. As before, we benchmark each maritime city based on five key pillars:

  • Shipping centres
  • Maritime Finance & Law
  • Maritime Technology
  • Ports & Logistics
  • Attractiveness & Competitiveness

Singapore has a strong performance across the five pillars and keeps its number one spot overall, followed by Rotterdam, London, Shanghai and Oslo.

Language: English
Year: 2024
Author(s): Erik W. Jakobsen, Maren Nygård Basso, Sophie Emilie Sundt, Lars Martin Haugland, M. Sharin Osman, Benjamin Dineshkar

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