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The Value of the Norwegian Hydrogen Industry

The Value of the Norwegian Hydrogen Industry

On behalf of the Norwegian hydrogen cluster, Arena H2 Cluster, with partners, Menon Economics has conducted an industrial economic analysis of the Norwegian hydrogen industry, focusing on its current status and future prospects. The partners are the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), the Federation of Norwegian Industries, Offshore Norway, Energy Norway, Tekna, The Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists (NITO), Innovation Norway, Enova, and the Norwegian Hydrogen Forum. Ocean Hyway Cluster and GCE Node have contributed to the mapping.

Språk: English
År: 2022
Forfatter: Even Winje, Sigrid Hernes, Henrik M. Foseid, Aljoscha Schöpfer, Erik W. Jakobsen

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